Our school Library Learning Commons program provides reading instruction, literacy support and "making" opportunities of all kinds to our students. We teach collaboratively with a focus on critical thinking, reading, literacy, inquiry and research. We use the Manitoba LICT (Literacy with Information, Communication and Technology) document. We teach and encourage students to be ethical users and creators of information and technology. Solving real problems and creating useful solutions keep learning interesting! We invite students to come out and read, invent, evaluate, create, problem-solve and collaborate together in the Library Learning Commons.
Learning Commons: A learning commons is an inclusive, flexible, learner-centered, physical or virtual space for collaboration, inquiry, imagination and play.
Mission Statement: We provide students and staff with current, reliable and relevant information and reading resources for research and personal needs in both print and online formats. We partner and collaborate with all staff at Chancellor, Pembina Trails school libraries, the Winnipeg public libraries and our Manitoba Education library to provide students and staff with learning and personal reading resources. Online databases with usernames and passwords sent home annually.
Reading Programs supported by the LLC and classrooms - Global Read Aloud (K - Gr. 6)
Britannica School Encyclopedia - a great online encyclopedia for all grades. Includes read aloud features, translation into several languages and useful images for projects. Creates citations for bibliographies.
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